Project I with Christa and Syeni
We have a project with my discipleship group to write our own testimony and share it. So.. here it is... you guys may read my testimony.
I grew up as a Buddhist in Buddhist family. During my teenage age I started to know and study Christianity as a core subject in school. Knowing is not the same as believing. Along those years, I was still a Buddhist. I practiced Buddhism way of living.
Until I came to Singapore, I realized I became a free thinker. My religion was still Buddhist, however sometimes I went to church to learn about moral ethic.
I recognized my life before I know Christ as a dying life. Even though I have lots of friends, I didn’t have any anchors or people that I could depend on. I didn’t have a role model to look up to. I wasn’t close to my family. I was all alone. I walked my life journey as routine daily activities; of course doing good deeds was part of the activities. I was involved in some charity programs and I have heart for those who need helps. However I realized I could not sustain the love/passion for them. It just died and became routine activities. So I didn’t know what I want and also the purpose of my life.
Then God called me to Christchurch in New Zealand. It was really my solitude place. I lived alone in a dorm where I hardly see anyone in at the beginning. It was the term break. No friends, new people, new environment. But it was good. It’s liked God tried to bring me face to face with Him alone in Christchurch where there was no friends, no activities that would stand between me and God. After five days in Christchurch I opened my heart to Christ.
My life was changed slowly. God has given me new life. I know now the purpose of my life, which is to glorify Him in every way I do and through me, the people surround me can come to know Him who sustains the universe and creature beings. Moreover, I have someone in my heart that will guide me; stand before me and with me for the rest of my life on earth until I'm with Him in heaven
I grew up as a Buddhist in Buddhist family. During my teenage age I started to know and study Christianity as a core subject in school. Knowing is not the same as believing. Along those years, I was still a Buddhist. I practiced Buddhism way of living.
Until I came to Singapore, I realized I became a free thinker. My religion was still Buddhist, however sometimes I went to church to learn about moral ethic.
I recognized my life before I know Christ as a dying life. Even though I have lots of friends, I didn’t have any anchors or people that I could depend on. I didn’t have a role model to look up to. I wasn’t close to my family. I was all alone. I walked my life journey as routine daily activities; of course doing good deeds was part of the activities. I was involved in some charity programs and I have heart for those who need helps. However I realized I could not sustain the love/passion for them. It just died and became routine activities. So I didn’t know what I want and also the purpose of my life.
Then God called me to Christchurch in New Zealand. It was really my solitude place. I lived alone in a dorm where I hardly see anyone in at the beginning. It was the term break. No friends, new people, new environment. But it was good. It’s liked God tried to bring me face to face with Him alone in Christchurch where there was no friends, no activities that would stand between me and God. After five days in Christchurch I opened my heart to Christ.
My life was changed slowly. God has given me new life. I know now the purpose of my life, which is to glorify Him in every way I do and through me, the people surround me can come to know Him who sustains the universe and creature beings. Moreover, I have someone in my heart that will guide me; stand before me and with me for the rest of my life on earth until I'm with Him in heaven